Revamp your holiday home.. Happy Easter

The weather is becoming warmer and we are getting ready for the Easter Season. Our holiday home is craving to come back to life but also to be taken care of. In the following next months we will be visiting it during long weekend and the summer holidays. After an intense winter, this year's Easter is the perfect occasion to celebrate with dear friends and relatives.
Get inspired by the colors of Easter that we selected from the KRAFT Paints fandeck and start freshening up your home, which will soon welcome people. Refreshing your home wil motivate you to create an ideal atmosphere for relaxation and fun, fun in every aspect – even in the kitchen.

From our natural shades we singled out, CG712 Paradosi F, which belong to the beige range of colors. For a more subtle effect take a look at the darker earthy, CG701 Omorfi Kerkyra F, and the luscious CG475 Tsoureki with warm orange undertones can serve for a slightly more daring option.
The absolute color duo of this year's Easter is the bright salmon CG610 Lampada and the bright red CG606 Paschalino Avgo from the Colors of Greece Collection.
Dare to explore this fresh combination, either with both colors on the same space, or alternately on different rooms.
The two emblematic flowers of Easter can also be a source of inspiration, the poppy and the lilac. Both are said to have been created on these holy days. The poppy flower is beautiful with its bright red that floods the fields at Easter.
Add touches of CG405 Paparouna's from the Colors of Greece Collection and create a romantic contrast with the soft purple color KR1729 Lilac Brush from the Inspired Collection, which will give a cool and romantic feel to any space.