Smart ideas for interior colours, for each individual home space

Proposals for individual room walls, from living rooms to bedrooms to kitchen to the bathroom. Combinations and tricks to select optimal colours for indoor colours for your home.
Selection of colours for home interiors is a fun, creative as well as demanding process, since it encompasses your own personal style and mood, and also requires you to select handy, practical colours that match layout, furniture, decoration of the residence, as well as today’s trends.
Practicality and usability are primary indoor colour selection criteria. Also, the signature of each shade is important. Still, these are not the only criteria worth watching for. A house is a collection of walls and spaces.
Painting should be viewed as an integral process that will express the tenants’ style and character, at the same time meeting their own needs. Combining colours on individual walls, and the provision of a concept supporting each selection, are significant parameters of house painting.
A matter of asking why specific shades, instead of others, were used on certain walls. The following lines describe step by step (or, rather, room by room) a comprehensive proposal for house paint coating and interior design.