KRAFT Paints donated the color to the new, impressive mural by UrbanAct!

The talented artist "Life In Colour" aesthetically renewed the exterior of the 3rd Primary School of Aspropyrgos, with the valuable support of KRAFT Paints.
The street artist Life In Colour gave color to the 3rd Primary School of Aspropyrgos with a mural that is part of Urban Act's "Painting School Buildings" program. KRAFT Paints supported this initiative, offering all the colors needed for the mural.
As the artist himself points out, "this work, like many of my other murals, draws inspiration from Nature. In this mural, the image I created could be a frame from a modern fairy tale."
The "Painting School Buildings" program continues Urban Act's efforts to make aesthetic interventions in the country's school complexes. Since 1998, UrbanAct has been intervening in schools across Greece with actions that include murals which aesthetically renovate the buildings and convey messages of optimism from artists who offer their work and empathy for knowledge, respect for diversity, the joy of life and collaboration, and the value of mutual assistance.
The sponsorship of the paints was part of KRAFT Paints' Corporate Social Responsibility program "Cities of Color" and the implementation of the project was a co-organization between the school's administration and UrbanAct.