Arterra Patiti Fine

Decorative, ready-to-use coating in pasty form, for microcement-style, fine finish, ideal for walls and floors
Arterra Patiti Fine is a decorative, ready-to-use coating in pasty form, for microcement-style, fine finish, ideal for walls and floors. With advanced composition of acrylic resins enhanced with special nanotechnology additives and aggregates of graded granulometry, that provides high mechanical strength, great surface hardness, excellent workability and unique, premium.
- Contains nanotechnology additives
- Ready-to-use (quick application)
- Small application thickness (~1mm)
- Water repellent and vapor-permeable
- High mechanical strength & hardness
- Excellent adhesion & abrasion resistance
- Unique aesthetic fine finish
- Long-lasting shade stability
- Can be tinted in selected shades with KRAFT Inspired Color System
- Indoor & outdoor usage
Product information
Shades:White, ready-made Grey shade (AP7040 Concreto Grey) and 40 color cald shades
Packaging:5kg, 15kg
Certifications / Evaluations

Technical Info
Technical Information
Application - Tools
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General Information
Arterra Patiti Fine is suitable for indoor and outdoor usage, as a decorative coating on: walls, floors, balconies, stairs, bathrooms, built-in structures such as wooden furniture, sinks, showers, benches, etc. Also, on surfaces made of concrete, plaster, dry construction systems, existing decorative tiles, marbles, mosaics, etc. Ideal for quick applications and renovations FIELD OF APPLICATION in domestic sector, hotels, shops, etc. It is an easy and economical solution in cases of renovations, because of small application thickness (about 1mm) changes are not required to existing elements such as: replacement of doors, frames, electrical sockets, electrical switches, hydraulics, etc. minimizing the total cost of implementation.
How to Use
- The application substrate of the decorative microcement-style system Arterra Patiti, must be: even, clean, solid, free from standing water, dust, oil, lime, tar and loose elements that can affect adhesion. For any necessary repairs use the appropriate products by KRAFT Paints. In cases where it is necessary to level the surface (up to 10mm per layer), it is recommended to apply the polymer modified fiber reinforced cement mortar, enhanced with carbon fibers, Arterra Patiti Level Base with simultaneous embedding of anti-alkali glass mesh 160 g/m2 Clima Net 160.
- On absorbent surfaces such as: cement mortars, plasters, renders, gypsum boards, cement boards, etc. the application of the hybrid polyurethane primer Arterra Patiti Nano-Hybrid is required to stabilize and regulate the absorbency of the substrate. On non-absorbent surfaces such as: existing and well-anchored decorative coverings (tiles, marbles, stones, mosaics), painted surfaces, old decorative coatings, etc. the application of acrylic granulated quartz primer, Arterra Patiti Quartz Primer is required in order to enhance the adhesion of the overlying layers. High attention is recommended to the protection of the system from any moisture penetration behind the application substrate (negative pressure), in indicative areas such as: balconies, gardens, outdoor floors, outdoor corridors, bathrooms, etc. For this reason, before installation where necessary, apply first the appropriate type of the cementitious waterproofing solutions, Hydroguard Systems by KRAFT Paints, depending on technical specifications.
Apply the Arterra Patiti Fine, using a flat metal or plastic trowel, at a thickness of approximately 0.5mm per layer. It is recommended to apply a 2nd layer (after the previous one has dried) in order to achieve the necessary mechanical strength and to give the desired aesthetic result. After applying the last layer and before it dries, create the desired aesthetic pattern with the appropriate movements and pressure of the trowel. In this way the surface is formed with the desired roughness & style that the Arterra Patiti system uniquely provides. After each layer, the surface can be lightly sanded and dusted off to correct minor imperfections, if this is aesthetically desirable.
Immediately after the application the tools must be cleaned with warm water and soap or a detergent solution. Remove as much material as possible from tools before cleaning.